One of the first tasks we tackle when providing move-out cleaning services is dusting. We ensure that every nook and cranny is free from dust and dirt, leaving your home looking fresh and clean.
Our team uses high-quality vacuums to remove dirt and debris from your carpets and floors. We pay special attention to corners and edges to ensure a thorough cleaning.
After vacuuming, we move on to mopping your floors to leave them sparkling clean. We use environmentally friendly cleaning products to safely disinfect and sanitize your floors.
The kitchen is often the heart of the home, which is why we pay extra attention to cleaning every surface and appliance. From countertops to stovetops, we make sure your kitchen is spotless.
We understand the importance of a clean and fresh bathroom, which is why we thoroughly clean showers, sinks, toilets, and floors. We remove soap scum and build-up to leave your bathroom looking like new.
Our window cleaning services ensure that your windows are streak-free and sparkling. We clean both the inside and outside of windows to provide a clear view of the outside world.
We take the time to clean all of your appliances, including refrigerators, ovens, and microwaves. Our team pays attention to detail to ensure that every appliance is clean and ready for use.
Baseboards can easily collect dust and dirt, which is why we make sure to clean them thoroughly. Our team ensures that every baseboard is wiped down and free from build-up.
Our professional carpet cleaning services remove stains and odors from your carpets, leaving them fresh and clean. We use specialized equipment to deep clean your carpets for a like-new appearance.
We take care of removing all trash and debris from your home, ensuring that it is ready for the next tenants. Our team will dispose of trash responsibly and efficiently.
The living room is often a high-traffic area, which is why we pay special attention to cleaning every surface. From dusting furniture to vacuuming floors, we make sure your living room is clean and inviting.
Your bedroom should be a sanctuary, which is why we provide thorough cleaning services for this space. We clean floors, dust surfaces, and make your bed to create a peaceful environment.
Our floor cleaning services ensure that your floors are free from dirt and grime, leaving them clean and shining. Whether you have hardwood, tile, or laminate floors, we have the tools and expertise to clean them effectively.
Our general cleaning services cover every room in your home, ensuring that every surface is dusted, wiped down, and sanitized. We pay attention to detail to provide a thorough cleaning experience.
We use hospital-grade disinfectants to kill germs and bacteria in your home, providing a safe and healthy environment. Our team focuses on high-touch surfaces to reduce the spread of illness.
For move-out cleaning services, we offer deep cleaning to ensure that every surface is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. From top to bottom, we leave no corner untouched.
We provide professional upholstery cleaning services to remove stains and odors from your furniture. Our team uses safe and effective cleaning products to refresh your upholstery.
If you are in need of move-out cleaning services, don't hesitate to contact Tidy Touch Home Cleaning. Click the link at the top of the page to visit our Google Business profile, where you can check out reviews and get in touch with us. Let us take the stress out of cleaning and leave your home looking immaculate.